Sunday, June 27, 2004


words cannot explain how much this camp has benifitted me. the letters and the gifts I've recieved had brought so much tears to my eyes! as I cried while reading the letters, I felt the sunlight on my face and it felt like God was embracing me in His arms. I believe that I saw Him in the light.

the small talks we had were so special to me. you surely are an angel that might have got a scratch on your wing; but girl, keep the faith, and do not get lost in sadness. I'm just a msg away.

aye! I wonder if you'd read this; anyhow, I would like to thank you for the huggabuggs and laughter we had at concamp. although we hardly catch up on our lives, I'm sure we know we have each other to call yeah? ily dad.


Lady fAyth`
6/27/2004 10:29:00 PM

Friday, June 18, 2004

this journey

seeking back, I find a tremendously long chapter written with lotsa tears. the time frame might not seem too long but everyday that I lived has made me who I am now. it's ironic how I actually handled the situations and not let my Father come in to help - like as though I can make it through without Him. nonetheless, He has showered me with abundance of love, confort and strength to carry on. obviously He did not give up hope in me - that's why I'm still a believer. God's opposition set zillions of traps to chain me up but He never failed to set me free. yes, this is my ever true God of virtues.

He sent plenty angels to me, to make sure that they'll catch me when I fall.

Friends are instruments of God whom He uses to spread His love.

both of us had been through rocky valleys for the past yr or 2 and had eventually drifted. although I still do not feel your reasons, I know that you needed the load off you. I believe that you've grown in faith and in many other aspects since the day you left. even though we might not be as close as ever - our bond is unbreakable, our faith is strong. just dont forget who you were and how much you still mean to me. love you loads.

thank you so much for all the support and comfort whenever I meet with a crisis - like the Gospel Singin Competition yeah? hehe. it's funny how I got so intimidated by the first few contestants, isnt it? it hasnt been too long since we became close friends but we've met our turbulances and seen each other through tears and laughters. I hope I've touched you in ways like you have done for me. I still thank God for such an angel - you. love you darling.

NO! I didnt forget abt you, honey. lol. thanks for all the support yeah? you've alrdy made a HUGE impact in my life by just being who you are. we make the perfect pair of partners in crime. lol. yes, we know what it takes to be crazy! peace.

"coffee 5?"
hehe, it's amazing how coffee sessions still work out. I rmbr recieving small notes from you in class and we'd meet up at the corner of j8 talking abt everything under the sun. you've taught me so much that I could nvr be thankful enough. friends forever, cheers.

Lady fAyth`
6/18/2004 05:57:00 PM

arghhh! I hate that taylor. she bloody hell screwed up my brand new pair of jeans! I just bought it last evening before sending it to her to alter the length for me! arghhh. wtf? thank God I forgot to make my payment. otherwise, I would've wasted $5! yeah and actually, she wasted my $29.90 for the pair of jeans! arghhh. why did I hafta be such a perfectionist? I could've just left the length as it was! arghhh. I surely urge to buy a new pair of the same jeans. sobs. should I? I absolutely adore that pair of jeans! arghhh. cannot stand it. I hate it when something messes up. esp my own!

and goodness, once again I'm being ignored. everybody seems to be caught up with I-dont-know-whats and I always seem like a kpo queen. gawwsh. as I was telling jiejie last night, I'm being silly again. as usual. lol. arghhh! "silliness has always been a friend of mine." lol. crappy nonsense! this might be retribution ya know? I had better stop ignoring people. oops. but actually, I dont! I didnt do anything! innocent. arghhh. what is it with people these days? is it me or them? blah. I should just forget it. I bloody hell need to safe some pride and dignity. that's like as if I can be less crappy and lame. nahhh!

if anyone is wondering how was my holiday trip to korea, I would say that it wasnt the best holiday I've been on. I came back with kimchi phobia! arghhh. preserved vegetables nvr taste good. everyone should avoid them.

Lady fAyth`
6/18/2004 08:57:00 AM

Monday, June 07, 2004

"dreaming is not good when you forget to live."

I've nvr pondered abt how those people might feel when I use my words against them. I must say that I'm rather nasty when I'm frustrated. or was I merely taking things forgranted? maybe I was. for the first time, this regret is changing my life. I must learn to appreciate what people can do when they favour me. dont know why I tried so hard to shun them but I must've been outta my mind.


gone out with daphne and muriel today. boy, it's been quite awhile since we hung out together! hehe daph and I were having a great time teasing muriel (as usual). while lunching sakae, we ordered really yummy food like: salmon sushi (DUH?). haha! it's a must have whenever I have Jap. woohoo! afterwards, we took neos and I was put to be the LION! aiyo. tsk tsk. but I think I did a good job. haha! BHBness. because we were stranded at the queue, we were late for the show! argh. thank God I would be watching with hopers again. haha. cant wait! overall, it wasnt too bad if I were paying close attention to what they were saying. haha.

that's all for now.

Lady fAyth`
6/07/2004 11:18:00 PM

Sunday, June 06, 2004

I've gotta admit that this is the deepest valley that I've fallen into. I was somehow stuck with it and I thought I wasnt worthy anymore. there were many times that I've tried to let it go but it has taken so many sessions to help me give it up.

smth told me this afternoon that I should msg nessa and tell her that I'll meet her up instead. and on my way to kallang station, gwendada msged to say that they were not gonna attend the Hillsong's concert anymore. ha! God must have known that that was coming. (: I'm THANKFUL.

there was a great power at the indoor stadium that couldnt give me time to think what was it. I just wanted to lift my voice and hands to HIM. as the songs ran through and the reflections went along, my mind was focused upon Jesus. for the first time in a very very long run, I felt free and I just wanted to let HIM have all my sins.

there was a song they sang, that goes like this:

Lord I give You my heart
I give You my soul
I live for You alone
Every breath that I take
Every moment I'm awake
Lord have Your way in me

call me "emotional" but I'm not gonna deny that I teared everytime they sang the chorus.

one of the reflections went like this:
"Jesus sacrificed HIMSELF so that we could be saved. so when HE called HIS Father 'My God, My God' for the first time, HE gave us a chance to call HIS Father, 'Father' too."

it made so much impact on me.

I know there are non-believers out there who doesnt believe in HIS existance, and daniel is right, there is no affiliation to have a relationship with God. the choice is their's and our's to accept HIS invitation. it is a personal relationship with God.

Lady fAyth`
6/06/2004 01:27:00 AM
